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Frequently Asked Questions- Child Support in Arizona state
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FAQ - Child Support
Child Support Frequently Asked Questions
List of articles in category Child Support
When legal decision making is decided, how does a parent obtain child support?
Where can I get help completing the Parent’s Worksheet to establish or modify a child support order?
How is child support determined in Arizona?
What are IV D services?
How do I apply for Title IV-D services?
What guidelines do judges use when establishing the amount of the support?
Can I get a child support order without getting a legal separation or divorce?
I am sure the other parent is willing to pay support. Can we make an agreement between ourselves and present it to the court?
Are there special considerations in establishing support if one or both parents is a minor?
I am a noncustodial parent, but my child lives with me now. Can I change the child support order?
I cannot get health insurance at my job. The noncustodial parent has good benefits at work. Can the noncustodial parent be required to carry the children on his or her insurance?
I already have a support order, but the payments are barely enough for my child. Is it possible to change the amount of monthly support I receive?
I am receiving TANF. Can I still have my child support order reviewed?
If my child support order is from another state, where should I ask for a review?
My ex has remarried and has another family to support. How will this affect the support that my children are due?
The noncustodial parent is divorcing again and will have another child support order. We live in another state and I am afraid that this second order will be enforced before mine.
How long will it take to complete a modification?
Will I get to talk to the judge about my family court emergency?
How do I tell the court what witnesses I am bringing to a hearing?
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