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FAQ - Child Support

Arizona Civil Legal Needs Community Survey

Civil legal organizations in Arizona are seeking your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents. Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona.

Encuesta de Necesidades Legales Civiles de Arizona

Las organizaciones legales civiles en Arizona buscan su opinión para aumentar su capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades legales civiles de los residentes de bajos ingresos de Arizona. Por favor complete esta encuesta para ayudar a mejorar los servicios legales civiles en Arizona.

What guidelines do judges use when establishing the amount of the support?

The Arizona Supreme Court Child Support Guidelines are used to determine child support in Arizona. The guidelines take into consideration the needs of the child and the ability of the parents to pay. Courts in Arizona must use these guidelines unless they can be shown to be unfair to the child(ren). The court or DCSS office may consider the parents’ earning potential and any other natural dependents the obligated parent may have. Anyone requesting copies of, or information about, the Arizona Child Support Guidelines can obtain this information from the Arizona Administrative Office of the Superior Court.

Response provided by the Department of Child Support Services

