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Arizona Civil Legal Needs Community Survey

Civil legal organizations in Arizona are seeking your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents. Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona.

Encuesta de Necesidades Legales Civiles de Arizona

Las organizaciones legales civiles en Arizona buscan su opinión para aumentar su capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades legales civiles de los residentes de bajos ingresos de Arizona. Por favor complete esta encuesta para ayudar a mejorar los servicios legales civiles en Arizona.

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Tagged in: Guardianship

Showing documents tagged with Guardianship. Show all

pdf 01. Petition for Appointment of Guardianship and/or Conservatorship of an Adult Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship 14702 downloads

Download (docx, 68 KB)


pdf 01. Training Requirement for Customer(s) Filing Probate and Guardianship Matters Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship 7318 downloads

Download (docx, 39 KB)


pdf 02. Affidavit of Proposed Guardian and/or Conservator Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship 4438 downloads

Download (docx, 62 KB)


pdf 02. How to Complete the Forms to Appoint a Guardian or Conservator of an Adult Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship 9128 downloads

Download (docx, 63 KB)


pdf 03. How to File a Petition for Appointment of Guardian or Conservator of an Adult Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship 5410 downloads

Download (docx, 50 KB)


pdf 03. Probate/Guardianship/Conservator Information Sheet Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship 4280 downloads

Download (docx, 42 KB)


pdf 04. Consent and Waiver Regarding Peition for Guardianship and/or Conservatorship of an Adult Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship 4267 downloads

Download (docx, 43 KB)


pdf 05. Guidelines for Healthcare Professional's Report Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship 6333 downloads

Download (docx, 55 KB)


pdf 06. Order of Appointment of Permanent Guardianship and/or Conservatorship of an Adult Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship 5142 downloads

Download (docx, 48 KB)


pdf 07. Letters of Appointment as Permanent Guardian and/or Conservatorship of an Adult and Acceptance of Letters of Appointment Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship 4671 downloads

Download (docx, 46 KB)


pdf 1. Annual Report of Guardian Popular

By Tagged in Conservatorship, Guardianship 1144 downloads

Download (pdf, 783 KB)

GC-Annual Report.pdf

You may use these forms if the following factors apply to your situation:

  • You have been appointed the guardian for an adult (or minor with a case number that starts with "PB"); AND
  • You need to file an "Annual Report of Guardian" as required by law (A.R.S § 14-5315) to provide the Court with the information required about the protected person's current condition.

pdf 1. Annual Report of Guardian Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship, Probate 3145 downloads

Download (pdf, 750 KB)

GC-Annual Report.pdf

pdf 1. Annual Report of Guardian Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship, Probate 1883 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.20 MB)

Annual Report.pdf

You may use these forms if the following factors apply to your situation:

  • You have been appointed the guardian for an adult; AND
  • You need to file an "Annual Report of Guardian" as required by law (A.R.S § 14-5315) to provide the Court with the information required about the protected person's current condition.


pdf 1. How to Transfer an Out-of-State Guardianship and/or Conservatorship Case in to Arizona Popular

By Tagged in Conservatorship, Guardianship 1270 downloads

Download (pdf, 2.33 MB)

Adult Transfer case to AZ - GC and-or Con.pdf

You may use this forms if the following factors apply to your situation:

  • There is a court-ordered guardianship and/or conservatorship for an incapacitated or protected person (also known as “the ward”) in a U.S. state other than Arizona.
  • The ward is now in Arizona or will soon relocate to Arizona.
  • You want to transfer the existing guardianship and/or conservatorship case to Arizona rather than starting a new case here. *

* NOTE: You may either file to transfer or start a new case in Arizona, but note that transferring guardianship and/or conservatorship requires ALL of the following:

  • Asking the court in the state where the case is being sent from for permission to ask Arizona to accept the case;
  • Asking the court in Arizona to issue a provisional (temporary or conditional) order accepting the case;
  • Presenting the order provisionally accepting the case from the court in Arizona to the court in the sending state and asking for final permission to transfer;
  • Presenting the final permission to transfer from the sending state to the court in Arizona and asking for a final order accepting the transfer from Arizona; and
  • Presenting the final order from Arizona accepting transfer to the court in the sending state, along with a request to terminate the case in that state.

Note also, when accepting a transfer, no court investigator’s report or physician’s report are required, as the receiving court accepts the sending court’s determination of incapacity and need for protection.

pdf 1. Petition for Contact Popular

By Tagged in Conservatorship, Guardianship 1067 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.57 MB)

Petition for Contact with Ward.pdf

You may use these forms if the following factors apply to your situation:

  • The Ward (protected person) is involved in an active guardianship case in the Maricopa County Superior Court; AND
  • You want the Court to order the Guardian to allow you to have contact with the Ward (protected Person); OR
  • The Ward wants the Court to order the Guardian to allow the Ward to have contact with a person; AND
  • The Guardian is restricting the contact between the Ward and the person with whom contact is requested, AND
  • There is a "significant relationship" between the Ward and the person to be contacted, and Petitioner can prove the "significant relationship" to the Court. [A "significant relationship" means that a person "either is related to the ward by blood or marriage or is a close friend of the ward as established by a history of pattern and practice" (A.R.S. § 14-5101)].


pdf 1. Preparing the First Court Papers Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship, Probate 6344 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.78 MB)

Permanent GC of a Minor 1.10.23.pdf

pdf 1. Preparing the First Court Papers Popular

By Tagged in Conservatorship, Guardianship, Probate 1851 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.71 MB)

Minor Guardianship and Conservatorship (p.1).pdf

Court forms and instructions for Petitioner to file the court papers for the appointment of a permanent guardian or conservator for a minor.

pdf 1. Termination of Guardianship Popular

By Tagged in Guardianship, Probate 1604 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.02 MB)

GC Discharge-Terminate Appt of Minor.pdf

pdf 1. Termination of Guardianship and/or Conservatorship Popular

By Tagged in Conservatorship, Guardianship 1014 downloads

Download (pdf, 706 KB)

Adult Guardianship and-or Conservatorship termination.pdf

You may use these forms if the following factors apply to your situation:

  • A guardian and/or conservator has been appointed for a disabled adult, AND
  • The guardian/conservatorship is no longer needed and the Arizona case should be TERMINATED because:
    • the protected adult (the "Ward") died, or
    • moved out of state, or
    • is now able to conduct his or her own affairs, AND
    • the current guardian/conservator needs to be released from his or her legal duties (discharged),
  • There is still a need for a guardian and/or conservator but a person currently serving as court-appointed guardian and/or conservator needs to be "discharged" (released from his or her legal duties) because he or she:
    • is no longer able or willing to serve, or
    • should not be allowed to continue to serve.
  • You want a court order to release restricted funds or property to a disabled or protected adult.
  • Do NOT use this packet to terminate guardianship or conservatorship of a minor. Refer to separate forms and instructions to terminate or to discharge a guardian or conservator for a minor, including a minor who has turned 18.

pdf 1. Termination of Guardianship and/or Conservatorship Popular

By Tagged in Conservatorship, Guardianship, Probate 1800 downloads

Download (pdf, 660 KB)

Discharge terminate GC & Conservatorship of Minor.pdf

You may use these forms if the following factors apply to your situation:

  • A guardian and/or conservator has been appointed for a minor, AND
  • he guardian and/or conservatorship is no longer needed and the Arizona case should be terminated because the minor reached age 18, was legal emancipated, moved out of state, died OR you are the mother or father of the minor and want to ask the Court to end the guardianship and/or conservatorship and close the case, OR
  • There is still a need for a guardian and/or conservator but the person currently serving as court-appointed guardian and/or conservator needs to be released from his or her legal duties (discharged) because he or she is no longer able or willing to serve OR should not be allowed to continue to serve, AND
  • You want to be discharged as guardian and/or conservator.

