Family & Children

Information and resources about the process of adopting a minor: grandparent, step-parent, interstate, and international.

Information and forms for filing for an annulment in an Arizona Superior Courthouse.

Information, forms, and resources for establishing or modifying alimony (spousal maintenance).

Child Custody
Information, forms, and resources for filing, responding, or modifying a child custody (legal decision making and parenting time) matter.

Child Support
Information, resources, and forms for calculating or filing for child support with the Superior Court.

Information, forms, and resources for those filing for a divorce (dissolution of marriage) or responding to a divorce petition with and without children.

Information, resources, and forms for adult and minor guardianships, including required video trainings.

Information and resources about marriage licenses and courthouse weddings.

Name Change
Information, forms, and resources for legally changing your name or the name of a child.
Staying Safe

Lifetime No Contact Injunctions
Information and forms for victims who are interested in petitioning for a lifetime injunction.

Orders of Protection
Information and forms for getting a Protective Order, Injunction Against Harassment, or Injunction Against Workplace Harassment.

Victim Restitution
General information about victim restitution and resources in Arizona.
Civil Law

Civil Lawsuits
Information, forms, and resources for those filing or responding to civil lawsuits seeking less or more than $10,000.

Small Claims
Information, forms, and resources about civil lawsuits that seek judgments under $3,500, also known as small claims.

Information, forms, and resources for tenants and landlords regarding eviction.
Money & Debt

Federal self-help forms, resources, and information for those that are looking to file for bankruptcy or attend a bankruptcy hearing.

Consumer Debt
Information on consumer debt, including care repossessions, credit debt, HOA fees, debt collections, etc.

Fee Waivers & Deferrals
Information, forms, and resources about applying for a fee waiver or deferral, including eligibility requirements.

Information and forms for filing or responding to a garnishment of earnings or a garnishment of non-earnings.

Tax Law
Instructions, forms, and resources for Arizona Tax Court, where disputes are heard regarding state taxes.
Criminal & Traffic

Criminal Law
General information on criminal law, including warrant information and the criminal court process.

Set Aside
Forms for requesting a criminal set aside or expunging a marijuana conviction.

Traffic Violations
Information and resources for those that need to pay a parking ticket, attend a traffic court hearing, or go to driving school.

Life Planning
Information and forms for establishing directives for later life - Power of Attorney.

Information about probate in Arizona. This includes forms for conservatorships, fiduciaries, and personal representative.

Information and forms for minors petitioning for emancipation or a parent responding to a petition.

Vacating Court Debt
Information about canceling unpaid fines, fees, and costs for program services ordered in an Arizona juvenile court case.

Mental Health Court
Information, forms, and resources about court ordered evaluation or treatment for those with a mental health illness.
Court Basics

Arizona Laws
State statutes (laws) hosted on the Arizona State Legislature's website. Laws are listed by title and then chapter number.

Court Records
A directory, by courthouse, for requesting court transcripts or accessing court hearing minutes.

Court Tours
Photo slideshows that include information on Arizona courthouses, including where to park, what resources are available, etc.

How Courts Work
General information about courthouse operations and policies in Arizona.

Jury Service
Information and forms for jury duty in Arizona. This includes medical excuse forms, questionnaires, and the juror bill of rights.

Find My Court
Courthouse location, contact, and operating information. This includes ways to pay, hours, policies, and ammenities.

Forms for requesting personal information to be removed from court records.

Video Tutorials
Short informational videos and full, recorded, legal clinics in the areas of eviction, family law, tribal law, general court procedures, and more.