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Legal Term Glossary

General Legal Terms

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Law enacted by the Legislature and published as the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.).

Small Claims Court

Special division court at each justice court to legally resolve claims that do not exceed $3,500. The proceedings are less formal than in other types of courts and individuals usually represent themselves.


An agreement that provides satisfaction to one or both individuals in a civil lawsuit in return for dismissal of the case.


Punishment set by the court within the range of punishments authorized by statute.


Decision of an appellate court to change all or part of the decision of a lower court.


The electoral process by which voters decide whether judges will continue to serve another term in their current judicial capacity.


Criminal: Payment of money to reimburse the economic loss suffered by the victim because of the actions of the defendant.

Eviction: An enforcement order of an eviction. After a specified period of time if a tenant who has been evicted stays on the property a writ of restitution allows a sheriff or constable to remove the tenant from the property and allows the landlord to change the locks on the residence.

Synonyms - Writ of Restitution

A person is said to rest or rest its case when it has presented all of the evidence it intends to offer.

Res Judicata

A thing adjudged. Once a particular case or controversy has been judicially decided in a legal proceeding, it is final and cannot be heard again.


To send back; an appellate court may remand a case to the trial court for retrial or other action.


The second questioning of a witness by the side that called the witness.

Record on Appeal

Those papers, transcripts and exhibits from the trial court that are forwarded to the appellate court for review.


Attorney representing the citizens of a particular community or the state in a criminal case. This may be the city attorney, county attorney or attorney general.

Proposition 109

The constitutional amendment that required public input and the establishment of a process to review judges job performances.


A conditional suspension of the sentence given by a court in a criminal case. If the terms of probation are completed successfully, the sentence is not imposed. If the terms of probation are violated, probation may be revoked and the sentence carried out.


The legal process of establishing the validity of a will and settling an estate.

Probable Cause

Reasonable cause; there is more evidence for than against.

Pro Per

Appearing in court for oneself, as in the case of one who does not use the services of a lawyer.

Synonyms - Pro Se
Presiding Judge

Judge who handles the administrative duties of the court. Depending on the court, this judge may also hear cases.

Preliminary Hearing

Court proceeding used to determine whether there is enough evidence against a person charged with a felony to proceed to trial.
