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Legal Term Glossary

Arizona Civil Legal Needs Community Survey

Civil legal organizations in Arizona are seeking your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents. Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona.

Encuesta de Necesidades Legales Civiles de Arizona

Las organizaciones legales civiles en Arizona buscan su opinión para aumentar su capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades legales civiles de los residentes de bajos ingresos de Arizona. Por favor complete esta encuesta para ayudar a mejorar los servicios legales civiles en Arizona.

General Legal Terms

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Term Main definition

A formal accusation by the Arizona House of Representatives that a public official committed misconduct in office.


Refers to a juvenile who is unmanageable by parents or guardians. Incorrigible offenses include running away and truancy.


A formal, written accusation by a grand jury charging that a person or business committed a specific crime.

Initial Appearance

The first appearance in court by the defendant in a criminal case.

Injunctive relief

A court order to stop doing a particular act.

Synonyms - Injunction

Inability or lack of means to pay debts.
