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Frequently Asked Questions on Procedural Guidance in Arizona
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FAQ - Procedural Guidance
Procedural Guidance
List of articles in category Procedural Guidance
Where can I find information on the laws and rules of Arizona?
Should I get a lawyer?
I cannot afford an attorney. Where can I find one for free?
I want a court appointed attorney assigned. How do I get one?
I need a good lawyer. Who is the best?
What is a default judgment?
How do I file for default?
When am I supposed to file the affidavit of default?
What is a warrant?
Why cannot librarians or court personnel answer my legal questions?
What is the difference between a petition and a decree?
In what county or precinct do I file my case?
It says relief requested next to this blank on the form. What do I put there?
I am filing this document asking the court to do something. Does that make me the plaintiff on this filing?
What proof or evidence do I bring to court with me?
When do I submit my proof or evidence to court personnel before court?
What is ex parte communication?
What will the judge say?
I want to talk to the judge. Where is the office?
I know I cannot talk to the judge, but you are nice – could you please take this message for me?
Would you look over this form and tell me if I did it right?
Where can I find a QDRO (Qualified Domestic Relations Order) form?
I have a disability that prevents me from filling out this form. Where can I get help filling out this form?
I received an inactive notice – what am I supposed to do now?
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