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FAQ - Evictions

Arizona Civil Legal Needs Community Survey

Civil legal organizations in Arizona are seeking your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents. Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona.

Encuesta de Necesidades Legales Civiles de Arizona

Las organizaciones legales civiles en Arizona buscan su opinión para aumentar su capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades legales civiles de los residentes de bajos ingresos de Arizona. Por favor complete esta encuesta para ayudar a mejorar los servicios legales civiles en Arizona.

What to Know Before Going to Court

Eviction cases move quickly through the court system.  If the tenant disagrees with the allegations of the landlord, the tenant is encouraged to file a written answer.  The answer form, available from the appropriate Justice Court or online through Arizona TurboCourt, and allows the tenant to admit or deny the allegations and explain his or her position.  If the tenant cannot afford to pay the answer fee, he or she may apply for a waiver or deferral of that fee.  If a tenant believes that the landlord owes him or her money, the tenant may, under some circumstances file a counterclaim.  The summons states that a trial will occur on the date listed, but due to the high volume of cases, a trial may not occur then.  If the tenant fails to appear, and the landlord or their attorney is present, a judgment is entered against the tenant.  Tenants can represent themselves or arrange for lawyers to represent them; the court does not provide a lawyer.


Courthouse Virtual Tours

Legal Info Sheets - Eviction

Fee Waiver and Deferral Forms

Landlord Forms

Tenant Eviction Forms
