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FAQ - Appeals Heard in Superior Court

Arizona Civil Legal Needs Community Survey

Civil legal organizations in Arizona are seeking your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents. Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona.

Encuesta de Necesidades Legales Civiles de Arizona

Las organizaciones legales civiles en Arizona buscan su opinión para aumentar su capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades legales civiles de los residentes de bajos ingresos de Arizona. Por favor complete esta encuesta para ayudar a mejorar los servicios legales civiles en Arizona.

If I am evicted, do I still have to move and pay the judgment once I file my appeal?

Yes, unless you post a supersedeas bond with the court. A person seeking to appeal a judgment may stay or “suspend” the enforcement of the judgment while the appeal is pending by filing a supersedeas bond. This bond is usually the amount of the judgment and stays with the court while the appeal is in process. For most tenants, filing a supersedeas bond is the second most important step in appealing a justice decision of the court. (The first is filing the notice of appeal on time.) By paying the supersedeas bond to the court, a tenant can temporarily stop the order that he or she be removed from rental housing. If a tenant does not purchase a supersedeas bond, he or she will be locked out of the rental home 5 days after the Judgment of Eviction is entered, or in the case of an “immediate” eviction, 24 hours after the Judgment of Eviction is entered.

Exception for restraining orders:

The rules governing the payment of supersedeas bonds do not apply to orders of protection and injunctions against harassment (“restraining orders”).

