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In the fall of 2024, the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) mailed letters to parents who once had an open dependecy and/or severance case.

Did you receive a letter? Visit the DCS letter page for more information.

Special needs trust

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Special needs trust

A trust established for the benefit of one or more persons with disabilities if one of the purposes of the trust, expressed in the trust instrument or implied from the trust instrument, is to allow the person with a disability to qualify or continue to qualify for public, charitable or private benefits that might otherwise be available to the person with a disability. The existence of one or more remainder beneficiaries without a disability of the trust shall not disqualify it as a special needs trust for the purposes of this paragraph.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "person with a disability" means an individual who has a disability pursuant to 42 United States Code section 1382c.
