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In the fall of 2024, the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) mailed letters to parents who once had an open dependecy and/or severance case.

Did you receive a letter? Visit the DCS letter page for more information.


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Penalties the court will sometimes impose against a person for bringing a frivolous or baseless court action or for disobeying a court order.


The Superior Court Rules of Appellate Procedure (Civil Law)

Synonyms - S.C.R.A.P.
Special Action

An extraordinary, discretionary appeal to the Arizona Court of Appeals or Supreme Court.

Statement of Costs

This is a paper that the person who wins on appeal can file in order to recover, from the unsuccessful side, the costs he or she incurred in preparing the appeal from the unsuccessful person.


A suspension (postponement) of a court order.

Synonyms - postponement

An agreement between the individuals.

Stipulation Waiving Bond for Cost on Appeal

An agreement between the individuals allowing the Appellant to bring an appeal without posting a cost bond.


A submittal occurs when the individuals in a case let the trial judge decide the matter based upon the police reports and any other agreed upon evidence that is given to the judge. A submittal is a process used instead of a trial. Unlike a guilty plea or admission of responsible, a defendant may appeal from the ruling entered after a submittal.

Superior Court

This is the “trial court” in each of the fifteen (15) counties in Arizona. It is the court where most civil cases are initially filed. Appeals from final decisions in the Superior Court are taken to the Court of Appeals.

Supersedeas Bond

This is a bond that the Superior Court requires the Appellant to pay if the Appellant wants to delay payment of a money judgment until the appeal is completed. If a Supersedeas Bond is filed in the Superior Court, the Appellee cannot collect the money awarded by the final judgment until the appeal is completed. If no Supersedeas Bond is filed, and no proceedings initiated to set a Supersedeas Bond, the Appellee may collect the money judgment while the appeal is awaiting decision by the Court of Appeals.


A person who, at the request of another, becomes responsible for payments or performance of the requester.  A surety is often used to ensure payment of a debt, if the original debtor does not pay the surety becomes responsible for the debt, similar to a cosigner on a loan
