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Arizona Civil Legal Needs Community Survey

Civil legal organizations in Arizona are seeking your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents. Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona.

Encuesta de Necesidades Legales Civiles de Arizona

Las organizaciones legales civiles en Arizona buscan su opinión para aumentar su capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades legales civiles de los residentes de bajos ingresos de Arizona. Por favor complete esta encuesta para ayudar a mejorar los servicios legales civiles en Arizona.

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Coming Soon



Please refer to the FAQ or contact your local Law Library for more information

Letter Designations for Arizona Court Forms

Each case number begins with a letter or letters (example: CR-200500311)
The alpha designators in case numbers are indicators for the court's filings. For the Arizona Superior Court the designators are as follows. Keep in mind that many courts use the same designations.

  • C or CV- Civil
  • CR- Criminal
  • D-Divorce
  • RD- Reciprocal Divorce
  • DR- Domestic Relations
  • FC- Family Court
  • FN- Family Court w/ No Children
  • LCA- Lower Court Appeal
  • CJ-Lower Court Assessment
  • MH- Mental Health
  • MS- Mental Sexuality
  • P or PB- Probate
  • ST- Small Tax
  • SW- Search Warrant
  • TA- Tax Appeal
  • T- Transcript of Judgement
  • M- Marriage License
  • AA- Adult Adoption
  • AC- Adoption Certificate
  • JA- Juvenile Adoption
  • JD- Juvenile Dependency
  • JE- Juvenile Emancipation
  • JG- Juvenile Guardianship
  • J- Juvenile



Probate Orders and Other Forms

Guardianship of an Incapacitated Adult Thru Court Order


Court appointment of a guardian for an alleged incapacitated person is more involved than appointment in the case of a minor.  A formal hearing must be started by petitioning the Court for either a limited or general guardianship.

Limited guardianship - allows the guardian to only manage some of the affairs of the ward

General guardianship - gives the guardian the right to to manage all business and personal matters for the ward


There must be a hearing in the county the person lives in to determine if the adult is incapacitated and unable to take care of themselves without a guardian.  The adult in question must be served personally at least 14 days before the hearing.  Notice of a hearing on determining their capacity must also be given to, if applicable, their:

  • Spouse
  • Parents
  • Adult children
  • Anyone serving as conservator
  • Person who has care and custody

Court Hearing Rights of the Alleged Incapacitated Person

They have the same rights of due process:

  • to appear in person
  • to be represented by counsel
  • to present evidence
  • to cross-examine
  • to request a jury trial

The Court will assign:

  • A lawyer (if they do not have one of their own)
  • An "investigator" to interview the people involved and visit the living situation.  This person is typically someone in social services, a nurse, or someone trained in the law and an officer, employee, or appointee of the Court
  • An "examiner" to give a medical exam of the incapacitated person.  This person is a doctor, psychologist, or registered nurse.


A bond may be required by the guardian, but are not mandated in every situation.  Normally a conservator is appointed if the ward owns a large amount of property or income (typically, larger than $10,000 a year).  The guardian has a right to receive funds and benefits, but if the amount is large, the Court will require a bond.

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