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Guardianship of a Minor

Arizona Civil Legal Needs Community Survey

Civil legal organizations in Arizona are seeking your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents. Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona.

Encuesta de Necesidades Legales Civiles de Arizona

Las organizaciones legales civiles en Arizona buscan su opinión para aumentar su capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades legales civiles de los residentes de bajos ingresos de Arizona. Por favor complete esta encuesta para ayudar a mejorar los servicios legales civiles en Arizona.

Guardianship Responsibilities of a Minor

Legal Decision Making

You are responsible for all of the decision relating to the minor.  The parents of the minor can no longer make these decision while there is a guardianship.  The rights are suspended of the parent - not terminated - as long as a guardian is appointed for a minor. If you wish, you may ask the parents for their opinions about decisions relating to the minor.


You are responsible for the education of the minor.  You determine where the minor attends school.  You are the advocate for the minor within the school system and are responsible for attending parent-teacher conferences.  Of the minor has special educational needs, you must help in obtaining services.


You are responsible for meeting the medical needs of the minor. This includes making all decisions regarding care for medical, dental, and vision.  You must arrange for all necessary services and maintain regular contact with the doctors of the minor.

Financial Support

Even when the minor has a guardian, the parents continue to be financially responsible for the support of the minor.  As a guardian, you may obtain child support from the parents.  For more information, contact the Department of Economic Security at 1-800-882-4145.

You are responsible for managing any financial support for the minor, such as child support from the parent, public benefits, or money from private sources.  Any money received must first be used for the current needs of the minor for support, care, and education.  If there is money left over, it must be saved for the future needs of the minor.

Guardians must always keep the minor's money separate from their own, use it only for the minor's expenses, and keep records of how the money is used and invested.  If the minor is entitled to get more than $10,000 per year, accumulates more than $10,000 in excess money, or acquires land, a conservator must be appointed.  Conservators can be the same person as the guardian.

Community Resources

Some minors in need of a guardianship may come from troubled environments.  If the minor has special needs, you must try to meet those needs or obtain appropriate services.  You should check with the Arizona Department of Economic Security for a referral to agencies that can help you and the minor.

Driver's License

You have the authority to consent, or refuse to consent, to the minor's application for a driver's license.  If you give consent by signing the minor's application for a permit or driver's license, you become responsible for any damage caused by the minor's negligent or willful misconduct.  If you maintain appropriate automobile insurance for the minor  you will not be help personally liable.


You have the right to consent, or refuse to consent, to the marriage of the minor.  If the minor enters into a valid marriage, the minor becomes emancipated and the guardianship ends.

Misconduct of the Minor

You are responsible for any harm or damage caused by the intentional misconduct of the minor that results in any injury, whether or not you could have anticipated the misconduct.  This includes theft or shoplifting.  The maximum you may be held liable for is $10,000 for each instance of misconduct be the minor.

Change of Address

You must notify the Court immediately in writing if the minor's address or your address changes.
