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Legal Decision Making and Parenting Time Information

In the fall of 2024, the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) mailed letters to parents who once had an open dependecy and/or severance case.

Did you receive a letter? Visit the DCS letter page for more information.

Articles regarding what you should know before filing or going to Family Court.

What is legal decision making and parenting time?

Legal decision making and parenting time is most commonly known as child custody.  When parents separate or divorce, care for the children must continue.  If the parents cannot agree on a plan for raising the children, the court will order a plan or decide matters concerning their health and welfare.

What is legal decision making?

A term referring to the rights and responsibility of a person to make all non-emergency legal decisions for a child including those regarding education, health care, religious training, and personal care decisions.

What is parenting time?

The schedule of time during which each parent has access to a child at specified time.  Each parent during their scheduled parenting time is responsible for providing the child with food, clothing, and shelter and may make routine decisions concerning the care of the child.

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Request for Admissions

Requests for admissions are used less frequently than interrogatories and a request for documents, but can provide valuable information and insight for less money than the cost of a deposition. In a request for admissions, the opposing person is asked admit/deny questions and must either admit or deny the questions that you ask.

Contributing Attorney Writer: Billie Tarascio litigates family law and domestic violence cases at Modern Law.
